Let’s face it – from time to time, we all need a vacation. Simply put – everyday life can get tiring. And you can stand only so much of the usual routine before you start thinking about taking a break. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that – but, if you are taking a vacation, why not go somewhere exciting and interesting? If you’ve got a lot of responsibility in your day-to-day life, you definitely want to use the time you have for rest to do something different. For example – Panama is a top tourist destination these days. And if you’re wondering what sort of things you can do there – fear not! We’ve prepared a quick guide for you with the reasons why to visit Panama.
The world-famous Panama Canal is one of the reasons why Panama is a top tourist destination
If we’re talking about a potential vacation spot, it’s nice to start from the very basics. And sure – experienced international movers can help you relocate anywhere, but just going on vacation is another thing entirely. Here, you’ve got to know the most interesting details. So, if we’re looking at any given country – let’s first see what it’s famous for. And with Panama, this isn’t really a tough question at all. Around here, the Panama Canal is a landmark piece of architecture. And not just around here – it’s one of the most famous canals in the whole world!
Why would you want to miss out the opportunity to see one of mankind’s greatest achievements – a waterway connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific! Really, this is one of the reasons Panama is a top tourist destination for people who don’t just admire nature but the genius works of humanity as well. And sailing is not the only thing you can do around the Panama Canal! You’ve got beautiful, lush rain forests nearby. If you’re a fan of wild, untouched nature – this may indeed be the trip of a lifetime.
The San Blas Islands are a fun and culturally rich experience
For our next pick, we’re moving away from the awe-inspiring Panama Canal – moving away to the east, to be more precise. But don’t worry – we’re not leaving the high seas behind – not even close! Because the next reason why Panama is a top tourist destination is – the San Blas Islands! This is a stunning archipelago a short sailing trip away from the Canal and it’s well worth visiting! Why? Well, to put it simply – because this place has something for everybody.
First of all, do you like summertime outdoor activities? If the answer is yes, San Blas has got you covered! Because this is a collective of more than 350 small islands, some of which have never been inhabited by people. If there’s ever been a better place for snorkeling and sailing – we certainly don’t know it! On the other hand, this is also a historically exquisite location. Many of these small islands are inhabited by Panama’s native people – the Kuna. The locals are, naturally, protective of their homeland – but they’re quite welcoming and even offer directions to tourists.
Isla Taboga – a great spot near Panama City
Let’s be realistic – if you’re coming to Panama, you’re probably going to Panama City. This is the only logical thing to do – after all, it’s the biggest city in the country. But what if we told you there was a great little vacation spot that’s very near – and yet completely secluded? It’s the small things like these that make Panama a top tourist destination – it just keeps surprising you. And this time around, we’re talking about Isla Taboga or, as it’s otherwise known, the Island of Flowers.
With Taboga, we’re talking about one of the smaller communities on a volcanic island in the Gulf of Panama. Now, you should know that this is one of the best relaxation spots in all of Panama. But how can you be sure of this? It’s simple – the locals love it. And there’s no surer way of finding a good spot in a country that thrives on tourism. Around Isla Taboga, you can relax on the tiny, but uncrowded beaches or go to a couple of local family restaurants. Alternatively, if you’re up for something more fun – you can actually ride jet skis around the island. And, if you’re a fan of history, this place will amaze you as well. This Spanish settled on this small patch of land all the way back in 1515 – and it’s got one of the oldest churches in the Americas!
Bocas Town – go East, young man
Now, it’s time to move away from Panama City and go east – or rather, as east as you can while you’re in Panama. Bocas Town is a great little place and the capital of the Bocas del Toro province. First of all, you should know this is one of the best spots for scuba diving in all of Central America.
We know what you’re thinking now – not everyone is proficient in scuba diving. But here’s the best part. The shore around Bocas Town is especially good for utter beginners; the dives here are quite easy and shallow enough. So, if you want to start learning this fun activity – now’s your chance! People who visit Bocas Town definitely think that Panama is a top tourist destination – because they have a great time here!
Finally, a word of advice – it’s definitely impossible to list all the reasons why Panama is a top tourist destination in just one article. But this doesn’t mean you should only follow our advice – feel free to go out there and explore! After all, you experience the best adventures on a vacation that you plan out on your own.