Why so many people are making a life changing decision of leaving the city and moving to the beach
For as long as anyone can remember, people have been clamoring to live in urban areas. Big cities provide ample opportunities, but they’re not the most comfortable places to reside in. There are plenty of reasons why people are leaving the city and moving to the beach, particularly when it comes to Panama. We’ll explore this phenomenon below!
Improving Your Health
It’s important to note that choosing between moving to the beach and staying in the city is just that — a choice. Someone who decides to leave the States for good and look for beachfront Panama real estate undoubtedly has plenty of reasons for doing so. Indeed, most of the things that impact this decision are highly subjective and up for debate. And that’s precisely why we’ll start off with one that isn’t: improved health.
All relevant statistics point to a simple fact: living in the city is just not good for your health. In fact, many experts claim that urban areas can have a negative impact on the lifespan of its inhabitants, even with the best Eco-friendly policies. That’s one of the reasons people move to the beach — the salty ocean air is incredibly good for your respiratory system and metabolism.
Living in one of the Panama homes that are right next to the beach provides ample opportunities to better your health. For instance, a short morning jog on the beach can have a hugely positive effect on your long-term cardiovascular health. Not having all of that smog generated by millions of cars is also a great benefit.
Seaside living also improves your mental well being; there’s nothing more calming for your nerves than the majestic sight and sound of waves hitting the beach over and over again.
Easier Traffic
We’ve already mentioned that having less pollution from cars is an excellent byproduct of moving to the beach and living in one of the many Panama condos near the ocean. But that’s not just about breathing better air; at the end of the day, living in a smaller area near the ocean is simply easier.
A city environment means one thing in almost every country in the world — heavier traffic. Regardless of the urban infrastructure improvements a local government enables, it’s simply impossible to stay clear of cars. Let’s face it, no-one is a fan of long commutes during rush hours, and endless streams of vehicles locked into place.
Most working-class people don’t enjoy spending hours upon hours on buses, metros, and trains; time they could better spend with their loved ones, or doing things they’re more interested in outside of work.
Moving to the beach helps with all of that, provided your career can be sustained in such a location. But if you do manage to move to the beach, you’ll join the ranks of some of the happiest people in the world. There’s nothing quite like being able to get anywhere you want without a huge fuss, and having your own personal slice of beach side heaven.
Less Noise
Air particles aren’t the only type of pollution that exists in urban areas. Think about it, what’s the first thing you notice after you return from a remote holiday in the countryside or at the seaside? That’s right — a whole lot of noise in your city. Obviously, the millions of constantly blaring car horns and sirens produce a lot of noise pollution on a daily basis. But that’s not the only contributor to the higher noise levels found in urban areas. For instance, cities experience a lot more construction work; the machinery involved with that tends to be quite noisy too.
That’s one of the most critical reasons why urban dwellers are relocating to Panama and other beachfront areas; they simply want some peace and quiet, at the end of the day. And such a sentiment rings particularly true when it comes to younger couples looking to start a family. They don’t want their baby constantly being exposed to noise. On the other hand, the same is true for people who are near their retirement age.
Security and Safety
There are plenty of extremely safe cities in the world; a lot of the local safety depends on the quality of local governance, and the work performed by police departments. However, one thing is clear — the bigger a city is, the harder it is to keep it safe from crime. Law enforcement can only do so much when sprawling urban areas are involved; that’s one of the main reasons people opt for moving to the beach. The crime rates in smaller beach side towns are orders of magnitude smaller compared to bigger cities.
If we compare Panama beachfront suburbs to that of New York, Paris, or London, you’ll find that most people living in a more remote coastal area simply have more security and safety. Sure, this may not be the primary concern for people who are in the prime of their youth and just want to explore huge cities, but someone starting a family will be mightily concerned with the local crime rates before buying a home anywhere.
As you can see, there are plenty of good reasons why people decide to leave the city and opt for moving to the beach instead. There’s simply no question about it — if you want to settle down into a comfortable, peaceful lifestyle, you won’t do much better than a gorgeous beachfront piece of Panama real estate!