Every year, for four consecutive days, breathtaking Panama gets new liveliness. A vast number of people all over the world rushes to this tiny state between North and South America to experience a one-of-a-kind event – the famous carnival. Needless to say, this carnival is one of the top reasons why to visit Panama and everyone who has a chance should grab it without thinking. To all those who decide to visit this state during such an extraordinary event, we offer a helping hand. Here is a comprehensive guide to the Panama City Carnival.
When does the Panama City Carnival take place?
The Panama City Carnival takes place four days before Ash Wednesday, the day that marks the beginning of Lent season. If we speak in terms of dates, the date of the carnival changes every year. This is simply because it is determined according to the lunar calendar. At this time every year, people enjoy outstanding celebrations full of parades, great music, dancing, stunning shining costumes, delicious food, and drinks. The carnival is appealing to everybody, regardless of their age. Thus, the only thing you need to do is decide how much you want to get involved in it. Should you wish to explore more of Panama and not just what is associated with the Carnival, travel guide for Panama is what you need. Whatever you choose to visit, we assure you it will be sheer pleasure.
The Panama City Carnival traditions – All you need to know
Although we generally say that the Carnival starts on Saturday, this is not completely true. The first celebration, actually, is organized on Friday night and it represents the coronation of the Carnival queen. This will be the main person throughout the event and, understandably, it is an honorable title. On Saturday morning, there is a small parade for the queen and her faithful court. The celebration officially starts and it will last for the next four days, day and night. Then, on Sunday, a central event is “pollera” – a parade in which Panamanian women and children dance in the traditional costume. Unsurprisingly, this is particularly interesting for families with children. Monday seems to be the tamest day of the festivity because people tend to get a bit tired by now. Also, they want to be ready for the biggest and most impressive parades on Tuesday as well as the fascinating fireworks show.
Tuesday, the last day of the celebration, is what everybody keenly anticipates. The most beautiful floats and troops of dancers beneath them always fascinate the present viewers. The participants have been preparing the show for the whole year, so they give their best to make people admire them. Meanwhile, music can be heard everywhere. Interestingly, the musicians who participate in the parade compete in their skill and performance. That night, nobody wants to go to sleep. Everybody waits for the final event that will mark the end of the carnival – The Burial of the Sardine. It is a parade symbolizing the funeral procession taking the sardine to its burial spot. The carnival officially comes to its end and, the next day, forty days of Lent start.
Useful tips on attending The Panama City Carnival
Attending the Panama City Carnival requires some precautionary measures to avoid unpleasant situations that might decrease your joy during this period in Panama. Here are a few hints on the subject:
- Having your ID with you is compulsory. The organizers have to meet the strict safety criteria, so everyone at the venue of celebration has to be identified. As one might expect, the police presence is considerable.
- It is advisable to arrive at the venue of the festival much earlier than the program starts. Crowds tend to be horrendous later in the evening and your entrance to the venue may be delayed.
- Never take your passport or valuable items with you. Instead, bring a copy of your passport or have a picture of it on your mobile phone and that should suffice.
- Bring some spare clothes with you and always wear comfortable shoes. Although this is a once-in-a-lifetime event, it can be very exhausting and tiring too. Understandably, you don’t want anything to ruin your satisfaction.
- Although the carnival isn’t a federal holiday, most employees work short hours to be able to attend the festivities. Bear this in mind if you need bank or post office services, for example.
- Use this chance to visit the whole state of Panama. Who knows, you might like it immensely. If this happens, you can capitalize on the fact that the existence of numerous moving companies has resulted in moving internationally made easy. Panama indeed may be your new home location.
Carnivals outside the Panama City
People organize this annual carnival throughout Panama. The more places you visit the more you can feel the spirit of this country. Not only can you meet its culture and history, but you can also enjoy its landscapes and breathtaking Caribbean cost. Unsurprisingly, it happens often that accidental visitors turn into the citizens of Panama later on. Moving companies, like Boueri Freight Services, have successfully helped numerous people bring their wish of living in Panama into reality. Potentially, you may become one of them too.
If you want to experience carnivals outside Panama City, Las Tablas should be your first choice. This small city on the Azuero Peninsula hosts the carnival that even exceeds that of the nation’s capital. On the other hand, Pedasi and Playa Langosta are also worth visiting. With so much to experience in Panama, it is impossible to make the wrong choice.
Visiting Panama City during the Panama City Carnival is a very intelligent choice. This is a unique opportunity to experience an event which provides so much fun and yet is related to the history and culture of one country. Bear in mind that the Panama City Carnival is extremely popular, so you will be one of the countless tourists in Panama at that time. Thus, book your accommodation well in advance. Otherwise, you risk missing a chance to attend this exceptional celebration.