When it comes to selecting a place for you and your family to live, you have take in to account many factors, such as climate, house prices, cost of living, crime rates, education, transport plus so much more. However, thanks to the new well-being rankings, it is now much easier to see where in the world people are really enjoying life.
In Gallup’s new global index of personal well-being, you may be surprised to hear, that countries like the USA, do not even make the top 20. You have to work your way down the list, to fourth place, to find the first European country, which is Switzerland. However, at the top of the list, the number one country to live in the world for well-being, is Panama. How have they come to this conclusion you ask?
The world well-being rankings, are made up of questions, relating to the following five areas of their well-being, which are: purpose; social; financial; community; and physical.
Out of the five areas examined, Panama came out on top in two of them and second in two of them. The best categories were purpose and physical and the other two were community and social.
Therefore, it becomes pretty clear, that the people living in Panama, are happy with what they are doing every day, enjoying their work and always learning something new. Furthermore, the population in Panama are feeling physically healthy and productive, which is something you need to be in order to live an enjoyable lifestyle.
Panama also ranked very highly (second) for social and community and it’s easy to see why this is important to a person’s well-being. In Panama, people are always looking out for each other, encouraging each other to be healthy and providing positive energy to each other on a daily basis. Community is also very important in Panama, people enjoy working together to keep the area in which they live in great condition and a place they are proud to live in.
So, if you are looking to purchase real estate in a new country, perhaps for retirement, as a second home or for vacation purposes, Panama should be at the top of your list.