After living in Florida for a great deal of time and having to worry about their homes and personal safety year after year when hurricane season arrives, many people are now considering making a move to a country where they can have the same weather but not have to worry about hurricanes as they do in Florida. Hurricane Irma, one of the biggest hurricanes to strike the Florida Keys in the last twenty years has become a major reason for Florida homeowners, even those who reside in Florida seasonally, to begin searching for a safer place to call home.
After a devastating beginning to the hurricane season this year with Hurricane Irma which was followed immediately by Hurricane Jose and Maria, many Florida, Caribbean, and now Puerto Rican residents have found themselves painstakingly boarding windows of their homes and businesses and fleeing to safer areas to avoid the horrific events of the hurricane. Once Irma traveled through Florida and up through the east coast of the U.S., many residents returned home to find mounds of trash and other debris piled up on their lawns as well as inside their homes and business locations.
To add insult to injury, some local Florida residents received tickets from overzealous property inspectors to clean up fallen trees, mend fencing and other cleanup that were caused by the high winds from the hurricanes. With the excessive property damage throughout the Caribbean as well as Florida from Hurricane Irma and now Dominica and Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, insurance rates are sure to skyrocket and it will be an enormous struggle for many to rebuild their lives in the hurricane torn areas. This leads many victims of the destruction in search of a better place to live, and for many, the search needs to end quickly so they can find suitable homes in a short amount of time.
An outstanding location, and one with many of the same comforts as Florida and the beautiful Caribbean, is Panama. Situated just far enough south to avoid hurricanes, but north enough to be privileged by the tropical temperatures, this country is the perfect place to live. While Panama escapes the threat of hurricanes, it also has no active volcanoes and thus far, has had no big earthquakes as other Central American countries have had over the years.
Panama is a tropical paradise that expats and retirees thrive in. Those who enjoy hiking in the beautiful mountains, surfing or lounging on the sand at the beach, spending time in the lush rain-forest or taking time to go fishing, diving, visiting the famous Panama Canal or even touring historical buildings and other landmarks will love living in Panama. There’s also plenty to do indoors including shopping, hot night spots and much more.
The amenities offered in Panama help make it a leading choice for Americans and others to make the move. Another thing to consider when you want to live in a tropical paradise is your homeowner’s insurance. In Florida as well as Georgia and other cities along the east and west coast of the U.S., home insurance rates flew through the roof in recent years because of the threat of hurricanes and flooding. This is something you won’t need to worry about in Panama.
Incentives to Move to Panama
Now that you know about the weather and the many activities you can enjoy in Panama, what about the housing and financial situation of the country? You may be surprised to know that a Central American country has an excellent housing market and you’ll be able to search through numerous home listings to find the one that is perfect for you and your lifestyle.
Getting from one place to another in Panama is easy to do. The infrastructure including the power grid, building and coastal highways are phenomenal, and in most areas, right on the same level as those you find in the U.S. The internet is fast and healthcare is comparable to that which you would find in any modern hospital in any developed country. You may give up higher insurance premiums with a Panama move, but you won’t find yourself lacking in any area once you make the move.
The economy of Panama is the leader of all the Central American countries. Unemployment is less than 3% and expected to drop even more in the coming year. The country is situated in the perfect location and entices business owners from around the globe to relocate and open shop. This is a business hub and one that thrives and makes money. Business owners who have steadfastly maintained vibrant business in areas like Miami or the Caribbean can setup shop in Panama and easily get their businesses started right back up and bringing in a profit.
With the expansion of the Panama Canal as well as a thriving new airport terminal and convention center, businesses will find that Panama offers many incentives to fledgling new businesses as well as already set companies looking for a little room to expand or relocate.
Speaking of business incentives. there are nearly 100 financial institutions in Panama and while Panama does have its own form of currency, it uses the US Dollar as the main currency. This makes it simple for the many Americans who live in Panama or visit the country for short stays.
Finding a Home
To find a home, you can certainly branch out on your own and try to locate someone locally to show you around. This is of course, not an ideal way to house hunt and chances are you won’t find anything suitable by venturing out alone. A dedicated professional property management company will be your best source for finding a home that meets your needs as well as keeping it well-maintained during times you may be away from Panama and back in the U.S.
Panama has 1000’s of apartments as well as excellent commercial properties listed on the real estate market. This means that Panama is well-equipped to meet the demands of those who have lost their homes and businesses in hurricane devastated areas and need to find a new home or office quickly. Another great incentive to moving to Panama is a lower cost of living for both residential homes and commercial properties.
Making the Move
Moving to Panama is something that must be handled professionally. You can’t exactly load up your car and drive it with all your belongings crammed in the trunk when you head to Panama. Once you find the perfect home, you need to contact a company to handle physically relocating your personal and household goods to Panama. You’ll need a long-distance mover who has experience with American relocations to Panama and other Central American countries. This because your shipment must meet the requirements for importation to the country and a knowledgeable experienced and qualified long distance moving company will know what you can bring with you, and what may need to be left behind.
We Can Help!
World Panama Real Estate Marketing is a leader when it comes to relocation advice and getting people moved to Panama from the U.S. as well as other countries globally. While you can rest assured that your new home in Panama will be safe from the damaging winds and water from hurricanes in Florida or the Caribbean, you can also feel confident in the move because we can guide you through all the necessary paperwork, legal documents needed to relocate, opening a bank account in Panama and managing your move to ensure things go smoothly from start to finish.
While many expats relocate to Panama at various times throughout the year, World Panama Real Estate Marketing is dedicated to helping those who have lost homes and other personal property as they work to make the move to a safer country that allows them to live in a tropical paradise without the hazards found in Florida, the Caribbean or along the shores in areas affected by hurricanes. When you want a safe home with all the treasures of paradise in your own backyard, let us help you make the move to Panama, and you can start enjoying living a life free from the worries of hurricanes and other disasters in a country where the people are friendly and fun can be found in abundance.